Pay My Loan

At SFCU, paying your loan is easy!

There are many easy and convenient ways to make a payment on your SFCU Consumer Loan and/or Mortgage Loan.

Make a loan payment using our Express Deposit Box at the rear of the building (inside the vestibule). Envelopes are available for you.

Mail loan payments to us at:

SFCU Mail Teller
740 County Street
Somerset, MA 02726

Include a deposit slip or loan payment coupon when possible, and please no cash.

Members who would like to make a payment by phone using an SFCU checking account can do so by calling 508-678-2851, option #2.

Members who would like to make a payment in person may do so at the teller line during normal business hours.

Members who would like to make a payment online using an SFCU checking or statement savings account may do so by logging on to their Online Banking account.

Please remember to…

Monitor your account using TELLERphone, Online Banking or Mobile Banking. We do not mail receipts for loan payments made by mail unless you request one.

IMPORTANT FRAUD ALERT – We have been made aware of a recent scam where fraudsters are calling members and impersonating Credit Union employees. Please remember that SFCU will never call you and request a card number, password, PIN or security code from you.
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