Children's Book Drive

April is Children’s Book Month: Donate the Gift of Reading!

Massachusetts Credit Unions have supported A Bed for Every Child since 2011.  One initiative for this effort is the collection of books.

The Massachusetts Credit Unions will sponsor its month-long “Children’s Book Drive” starting April 1st. Since 2001, the Massachusetts Credit Unions have donated more than 333,423 books to many non-profit agencies in cities and communities throughout the state including use for A Bed for Every Child.

Why is reading important? Reading aloud to children at an early age gives them a better chance at success in the future because it activates parts of a child’s brain that helps strengthen their imagery and literacy development. It also provides a foundation of developmental strengths that carries the child through their school years. Reading also helps children develop cognitive ability, language, and literacy skills, as well as social-emotional growth, but it also creates a stronger nurturing relationship between the child and parent.

The Children’s Book Drive embraces the importance of reading by providing thousands of books that helps them understand different topics about the world and everyday life. And…children are curious, love to learn and enjoy exploring new ideas. With reading, a child can go anywhere in the world…or even out of it! They can be a king, or an adventurer, or a princess, or…the possibilities are endless.

Please consider participating by donating new or gently used books. The effort is easy, and the rewards are greater as reading helps children expand and develop their minds and imaginations.

Ways to Give:

  • Option 1: You can give a monetary donation to A Bed for Every Child through the CCUA’s Online Portal, and the Coalition will use the donation to purchase books
  • Option 2: You can order books online or through the Bed for Every Child’s Amazon Wish List and ship to A Bed for Every Child, c/o MA Coalition for the Homeless, 73 Buffum Street, Lynn, MA 01902.
  • Option 3:  You can ship gently used books to A Bed for Every Child, c/o MA Coalition for the Homeless, 73 Buffum Street, Lynn, MA 01902.
  • Option 4:  You can visit the Credit Union lobby and drop off books OR place a monetary donation in the Children’s Book Drive collection boxes, located in the lobby.

Thank you for recognizing the importance of reading and giving children the building blocks of life!

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